Fusion Prep


Fusion Prep – Clear coat prep solution for Fusion Clear application.


Part of The


Fusion Clear Prep Solution is an essential element in the reconditioning process of Fusion Clear. This advanced solution effectively removes clear coat damage and contaminants, leaving behind a pristine surface that is optimally prepared for the application of Fusion Clear. By eliminating existing imperfections, the Prep Solution ensures a seamless bond between the new clear coat and the underlying surface. Additionally, it enhances the adhesion capabilities of Fusion Clear, resulting in a durable and long-lasting finish. The meticulous preparation provided by the Prep Solution contributes to the exceptional results achieved with Fusion Clear reconditioning, restoring the original beauty and protection of your vehicle’s exterior.

Item # 100019-32, 100019-G

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Available sizes:

32oz, 1 Gallon

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