Odor Source Eliminator – Gallon #100230



OdorXout Liquid Formula

Automotive Odor & Source Removal

    • Time release formula oxidizes for extra deodorizing action.
    • Eliminates the strongest of foul odors and the sources that cause them so they don’t return.
    • Hypo-allergenic and fragrance free.
    • Not only eliminates odor, but also the source of the odor so it never returns.
    • Spray directly on fabric, hard surface or in AC intakes for direct odor elimination.

OdorXout’s activated ingredient is ClO2.
According to techlinkcenter.org The “EPA first registered ClO2 as a disinfectant and sanitizer in 1967, and as a gas sterilant in 1988. The US Army uses ClO2 in the field for surface decontamination”

Learn more at the Manufacturer’s website

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Item# 100230
(1) Gallon OdorXout

Additional information

Weight 10.06 lbs
Dimensions 4.25 × 7.25 × 12 in